Anything is Possible

What a CRAZY day yesterday turned out to be. . . which is not surprising given I held the ‘Crazy $1 Sale’. I couldn’t believe the speed at which the orders were coming in. You guys were submitting your orders quicker than I could update the website and we sold everything within a matter of hours. Sadly, lots of people missed out on the opportunity to grab a bargain, but it was first come first served and we processed the orders as they came in – you just had to get in quick!

Now that we’ve moved all that old stock I can get on with rearranging the studio and making room for the new goodies that are coming in every day.


When I checked my Creativity Planner today there was quite a list of jobs to choose from, but what I really felt like doing was painting. It’s been awhile since I’ve put paint on my palette and my mind was overflowing with ideas. Unfortunately, today’s hot and humid weather wasn’t really very accommodating for painting, so the session was short lived. Nothing lost though. . .  I’ve made a start and will get back to my painting later.


After that I was really finding it hard to get my mojo into action. . . hmmm, perhaps it was just the summer heat and humidity that had zapped my energy! 

Having very little motivation I decided to give myself an ‘afternoon of possibilities’. Some people take ‘sickies’, others have ‘mental health days’. . . me, I prefer to seek inspiration when I’m feeling uncreative. Lucky for me none of the tasks on my ‘To Do’ list today were urgent . . . so my afternoon was spent recharging my mojo. A leisurely jaunt around Pinterest, then hopping through the Blogosphere. . . taking new paths that I’ve never taken before . . . calling on old friends and discovering new ones . . . all the while drinking in creative inspiration. I let my thoughts wander unheeded and allowed for possibilities to develop.

Do you ever do this?


Playing ‘hookey’ worked wonders for me today. Sometimes you just have to give yourself a leave pass and spend time enjoying other people’s creative endeavours. I’m feeling completely rejuvenated now and look forward to getting back on task again.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend filled with ‘possibilities’.

Hugs ~ Kerryanne