Take a number. . . please!

Mum’s busy. . . take a number!


Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough hours in the day. . .

or enough days in the week?


I know it comes with this time of the year. . . being self employed I know only too well that work comes in spasmodically, but I can always count on the last third of the year being exceptionally busy. . . and it surely is!!!

At times like this I feel like I’m juggling. . . prioritising my life and activities. . . trying to stay on top of it all. Perhaps that’s where the inspiration came from for this latest piece.


What do you think. . . rusty. . . distressed. . . a little bit shabby. . . it’s industrial chic baby and I’m lovin’ it!!!

I love it even more because it was a gem of a find. Once again it wasn’t found on my specific ‘thrifting’ day. . . yes, I do have specific allocated times for thrifting, but this was a day when I was passing one of my thrifty haunts on the way to somewhere else. I popped in super quick and rushed to the corner of the store where I get my best finds. With only a few minutes to spare there was no time for deliberation, just grab, pay and run. This piece was in very poor condition, but at just 50 cents worth the gamble.


It had a gazillion coats of chipping paint on it. . . which you’d think would make it appealing in a shabby way, but the colours were horrendous. First thing I did after removing the rusting hardware was test if it was enamel paint. Do you know how to do that? You wipe a rag with Turpentine on it over your piece and if the paint rubs off it is enamel. Mine wasn’t so I simply washed, sanded and primed before I got started. It was only after I had the piece painted and ready for decorating that I decided to reuse the now discarded rusty hooks. The numbers just seemed to be the perfect accent for the industrial look.


Now comes the hard part. . . parting with it.

I tend to make things I’d love to have in my own home. My creativity comes from the heart and I think that is important because the passion shines through in each piece. I hope someone who loves it as much as I do buys it and enjoys using it.

I’m partying with these lovely bloggers this week.

Hugs ~ Kerryanne