Lavender Dreams

No bought pot-pourri is so pleasant as that made from one's own garden,
for the petals of the flowers one has gathered at home
hold the sunshine and memories of summer,
and of past summers only the sunny days should be remembered.

~By Eleanor Sinclair-Rhode. 1920.~


The scent of lavender is unique; strong, sweet and intoxicating.

When I planted my picking garden outside the studio last year, I planted several different varieties of lavender so I’d always have plants in flower. It is such an aromatic and versatile herb that can be used in many different ways.


Lavender is a highly valued plant due to its healing, soothing and insect repelling properties and has been historically used for over 2,500 years.

Victorian women used to dab it on their temples to treat the vapours but theses days it is more likely to be used to scent our homes. I use it in a sachet to repel moths in my linen cupboard and for scenting my bed linen. Another favourite in our house is to add about 10 drops of lavender essential oil to the sudsy floor washing solution before I wash my timber floors. It leaves a faint fragrance around the house for days.



This week I have used my lavender to make pretty lavender sachets.

The sachets are made from white muslin, linen and lace and are adorned with black and white graphics from the Graphics Fairy.


I hope to have the website fully functioning next week and will be adding these lavender sachets to the Boutique Store.


"Here’s your sweet lavender
sixteen sprigs a penny
that you’ll find my ladies
will smell as sweet as any"

Lavender Sellers’s Cry, London England CA 1900