Procrastinating… or enjoying the moment

Welcome to Shabby Art Boutique in the Woodberry Designs Studio. . .

And a big ‘hello’ to all my new friends and followers.

Shabby Art Boutique Studio 2

I’m struggling to get into this short work week.

My daughter was home for the holiday weekend, so we enjoyed just hanging out as a family.

As hubby was recovering from shoulder surgery, we didn’t do anything special. . .  I think the lack of fuss is what made it so relaxing.

I’m in the studio today after our lovely Easter break. . .


Shabby Art Boutique Studio 1

That’s so unlike me!

As you all know I’m a big list maker. . . and while the list is written up . . . I’m still studio gazing.

Nothing important is getting done.

I’ve had a cuppa. . . folded some fabric. . . played with pretties. . .

Changed a few groupings. . . played with more pretty fabric.


Shabby Art Boutique Studio 4

It’s not like I’ve done nothing.

I did hang out for a bit on Google+ this morning and picked up a few handy tips from my Blogtalk buddies.

There was also a brief stroll through Pinterest, Facebook and Hometalk. . .  my normal daily hangouts!

But as far as ticking off must do’s on my  ‘To Do’ list. . .

Hmm . . . well there’s always this afternoon.

Shabby Art Boutique Studio 3

Until then I’m going to continue ‘feeding my creativity’ by rearranging inspiring pretties. . .

And just enjoy this peaceful moment of contentment!

Shabby Art Boutique Studio 5

If I get around to it. . .  I may even party at this week’s link parties and with these friends: French Country Cottage, The Vintage Farmhouse, 36th Avenue, Clean and Scentsible, Live Laugh Rowe, The DIY Dreamer, Tutorials, Tips & Tidbits – Stone Gable, Transformation ThursdayBe Inspired Friday at Common Ground.