500 reasons to give you a gift

Memories are indeed stitched with love . . .
and last week I noticed I have reached a memory filled blogging milestone . . .
500 posts.

So today's post is dedicated to all of YOU.

I'd like to thank everyone who pops in to read my blog . . .
 and those of you who take the time to leave a comment . . . send emails. . .
and become a follower of Shabby Art Boutique.

I've met the most amazing people in blogland . . . from all over the world.
It doesn't matter what language you speak or what continent you live on . . . we all enjoy the creative community that is so supportive and encouraging of each others creative endeavours.

So, today I just want to say. . .


Thank you for being a part of my blogging journey over the past 5 years and 500 posts.

Looking back I can see how much my blog has grown and changed over time.
There's been several blog make-overs, new colour schemes and new blogging directions
. . . but the one constant has always been my merry band of followers.

 I hope we will continue to 'hang out' together for another 500 posts.

To say THANK YOU I have a gift for you. . .

Please feel free to download this stitchery pattern.
Hugs - Kerryanne