The domestic goddess is back in town...

Welcome 2009.... I'm happy already.

Laying around in bed all day means I get to actually read the newspaper from cover to cover and yesterdays Herald Sun had an article by Kylie Hansen that thrilled me. Here's an excerpt...

The domestic Goddess is back in town
She sews, cooks, knits, gardens - and even raises chooks. The housewife is back with younger women embracing domestic crafts in droves according to new figures.

I read this article with interest. I strongly believe that growing up in the 60's & 70's, I had a better childhood than my children are experiencing. I know that there are many wonderful inventions, medical discoveries etc that we all benefit from now but I'm thinking more about the joys of growing up in a time when life was simple. We had the essential 1/4 acre block with a large back yard where we played cricket, footy and swam in our backyard swimming pool. There was fruit trees, a vegie garden and a large old fashioned 'Hills Hoist' clothes line. What aussie kid of that era hasn't swung around on the hills hoist until they are dizzy? My mum would knit, sew, bake, cooked everything from scratch and take us to the market with her. My grandparents lived in the country where the eggs came straight from the backyard chooks and we drank milk straight from the milking shed - and we didn't die!!

Here's some more from the article....
What's in:

Isn't it wonderful to see the return to domestic life? Today's modern women are accomplished but see nothing wrong with devoting that intelligence to home life. Even better is seeing these women turning their domestic skills into thriving small online businesses.

What a wonderful blogging community we belong to - I'm ever so grateful to be a part of it.

Here's a couple of pics of my junior domestic goddess 'in-training', Miss Aimee, this afternoon.

She loves to cook and made these beautiful banana and maple syrup pancakes for our afternoon tea.

While domesticity is not for everyone, it makes my heart sing that there is an upward turn in modern women embracing their inner housewife and transforming the image into a new look domestic diva.....hooray, now I can wear my apron with pride.

And in keeping with this theme, I'm back in work mode and am currently designing a range of new hand made card designs for those domestic goddesses that would like to make their own handmade cards for all occasions.